When Anxiety Comes: Rejoice, Be Gentle, Be Thankful, and Think

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I have never been afraid of heights until I was in my mid twenties. Back then I never met a roller coaster that I didnt like. Now, not so much. What changed? The only thing that I can think of is what happened on September 11, 2001. I remember watching the images of the twin towers plummet to the ground. Like millions of people around the world, I watched as the planes hit the twin towers. I think those images are ingrained in my mind and has messed with my psyche some how. I used to love cliff diving and bungee jumping but now I stay close to the walls when I am in a high rise building with large windows to the outside world. At times, I even get a little apprehensive as I go over a bridge or through a tunnel.

Although I am not scared of my shadow, I do have those weird little tendencies that I cant make sense of and that I just want to go away. As a Chrisitian, I am encouraged to not be fearful of things, knowing that God is there beside me helping me through every situaton that I face. However, I can’t help myself sometimes. Often, it is out of nowhere. A lot of times it comes at night when I am laying in bed thinking about stuff.

I have counseled people in the past who have dealt with anxiety. I try to give them good practical counsel. However, I have to admit that when I am going through it myself, I find it hard at times to practice what I preach. I think a lot of believers struggle with this issue. How do we tell others that we are stuggling with anxiety when Jesus told us not to worry about the future? Furthermore, some in the church tend to get uncomfortable when we talk about anxiety, or any mental health issues for that matter, because we don’t really know how to help the person struggling with the issue. However, it is so common to us human beings that the Bible addresses this issue more than once.

Paradise Lost– Genesis 3:7-10

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In Genesis, both Adam and Eve became “conscious” after they chose to disobey their Creator. It’s as if they became aware of all their humanity and suddenly a flood of emotions came storming into their hearts and mind. Imagine what it must have felt like to experience guilt, shame, sadness, and anxiety for the very first time. Not long before, they enjoyed walking with God and spending time with the Creator of the universe. Now they find themselves in their nakedness, exposed to their sins, and hiding from God. A once pleasant thing has now became something that they are fearful of.

“Where are you?” was not some game of Hide and Go Seek that God was playing with Adam and Eve. God knew exactly where they were. ‘Look where your choices and decisons have gotten you’. ‘Look where you are now’. It is intersting that the first emotion that the Genesis account desribes is fear. Fear is anxiety. This is where we get the word “phobia” -which is the Greek word meaning fear. It is a inner feeling of apprehension, uneasiness, worry or dread. The body seems to be alert, ready to fight or flight. The heart beats faster, blood pressure and muscle tension increase, neurological and chemical changes occur.You begin to sweat, begin to feel jumpy, faint and unable to relax. All this can be over a real situation or an unknown or imaginary event.

Expert Opinion

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Freud believed that anxiety occurs when our defense mechanisms break down.Existential Philosopher Soren Keirkegaard said that anxiety is the dizziness produced in any reasonable being who stands at the brink of genuine freedom. Knowing that we can think and do as we will naturally inspires deep fear about what we shall think and do. 

What if I make the worng decision or choice? What if I am supposed to go this way and I go that way instead? Should I marry this person or take this job? We have freedom to make choices ( which is a gift from God) but sometimes our choices don’t turn out the way that we thought. This naturally produces anxiety. No one wants to make the wrong decision. However, since we are are humans, sometimes we do make those choices anyways.

Seek His Kingdom

Our worldview and personal lifestyle can be a predictor on how we will handle stress and our resiliency in difficult times. Studies have shown that attending church is associated with lower blood pressure, lower risk of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of cancer, and possibly longer life. Most believers will abstain from those activities that will cause some of those physical health issues.

Although the churched may be physically healthier than others, studies have shown that there is little difference between the religious and non-religious when it comes to mental illness. Jesus did not say that we would be free from trouble or suffering but that he would be with us during those times. In Mathwew 6:34, Jesus tells us to “don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s troubles will be enough for today.”

I always found this verse difficult. It doesn’t seem to be comforting knowing that we will have troubles and worries in life. However, that’s the fallen world that we live in. Just prior to this statement, Jesus tells us that worry dominats are thoughts but God already knows our needs. He compels us to seek His kingdom first and to live righteously and that He will give you everything that you need. Notice it says everything that you need and not everything that you want?

Rejoice, Be Gentle, Be Thankful, and Think

Furthermore, Paul addresses anxiety in Philipians 4:4-8. In these verses, he tells us to:

  • Rejoice
  • Be Gentle
  • Be Thankful
  • Think


Philippians 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice. 

  – Christians can rejoice during troubled times knowing that Jesus has sent us the Counselor (Holy Spirit) to give us peace and to ease our minds

Be Gentle:

Philippians 4:5- Let your gentle behavior be clear to all men. The Lord is near.

  – the Greek word means kind, sweet, considerate, gracious attitude. A negative condemning outlook on life builds anxiety; a gracious, considerate and gentle attitude reduces it.

Be Thankful:

Philippians 4:6 – In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 

  – We shoud be praying about the smallest details in our life. However, Paul states that it should be in thanksgiving to God. Being thankful for what we do have in our life can change our perspective and help us recognize the blessings that we already have.


Philippians 4:8- For the rest, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things have honor, whatever things are upright, whatever things are holy, whatever things are beautiful, whatever things are of value, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, give thought to these things. 

  – anxiety comes when we dwell on human weaknesses and how things might go wrong. We need to remember that our thinking, effects our feeling, which ultimately effects our behaviors.

In Conclusion

In the end, anxiety, fear, worry, and dread will visit us from time to time. It is all about being human and coming face to face with things we can not control. This is where we (I) need to trust in Him even more. Following Jesus’s words in Matthew 6 and Paul’s in Philipians 4 can help refocus our thoughts away from worry and fear unto thankfulness and trust in our God. So remember, when we are preoccupied with anxiety, just remember to Rejoice, Be gentle, Be Thankful, and Think. Ill try to remember it too.